What do we need to implement the ACMS Treasury module?
Thembi Moyo's presentation on the progress in implementations
The Adventist Church Management System (ACMS) is an administrative system used by the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Its function is to facilitate the management and control of active and inactive members.
The system requires internet and allows the responsible to take actions such as inclusions and removals of members, transfers, tithes control and offers and instant statistical reports. The main benefits of a software such as ACMS are: global platform, to transfer an online member to any division in the world, real-time statistical reporting, control of all member-related actions and detailed history of each one and the possibility of choosing new officers for positions and departments.
For Further assistance with Registrations, please contact your Church clerk
The ACMS TV channel assists in the main activities of the ACMS system through video tutorials. Videos available in English, Portuguese and Spanish.