I will no longer eat those oily French fries. I will not eat so much cheese anymore. From next Monday I will start doing exercise. I am going to dedicate more time to my children. I would like to visit with some friends. I will start giving away everything I do not use. I will not allow myself being upset for everything. I need to begin a plan for praying more regular, I will read one chapter from the Bible every day… I am sure you can identify with some, if not all of these phrases.
My dear friend, the desire to affect positive changes in our lives is ongoing. Just look at how many things you’ve learned to date! Sewing, painting, cooking, designing, learning how to play an instrument, or a new language, a personal or family project. I am sure there may be many more. But what about those things that have been forgotten along the way, or perhaps you thought of postponing it when you have more time? It may be that only when we are faced with some adverse conditions like severe work pressure, or being confronted with some difficult financial circumstance that we decide to make changes in our lives, changes that not only affect and impact the present situation, even those very important decisions regarding the change of character and spiritual renewal.
Many have suddenly found themselves in a period of lockdown. Soon this period will be over, and you’ll be “free again”. No… Wait! Just a minute! Aren’t you free already? It lies within you, it is your privilege and right to determine what to do with your life, whenever and wherever you are. Freedom was given to you by Jesus, freedom from sin, freedom to seek Him for forgiveness, freedom to tell Him your deepest thoughts.
Exercise that freedom NOW! Take the first step, one change at a time, don’t look for some future day on your calendar. Start today! All you promised yourself are promises made to God. We know we belong to God, twice, both by creation and by redemption, and our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit. Do not get frustrated in what you have not attained, remember what Philippians 3:13 -14 says, “… certainly forgetting what is left behind, and extending to what is before me, I continue to the goal, to the prize of God’s supreme calling in Christ Jesus.