EGW Resources for Children

Ellen G. White

She was a woman of remarkable spiritual gifts who lived most of her life during the nineteenth century (1827-1915), yet through her writings she is still making a revolutionary impact on millions of people around the world. During her lifetime she wrote more than 5,000 periodical articles and 40 books; but today, including compilations from her 50,000 pages of manuscript, more than 100 titles are available in English. She is the most translated woman writer in the entire history of literature, and the most translated American author of either gender. Her life-changing masterpiece on successful Christian living, Steps to Christ, has been published in more than 140 languages. Her writings cover a broad range of subjects, including religion, education, social relationships, evangelism, prophecy, publishing, nutrition, and management.

Her book Conflict of the Ages Series have been simplified and condensed for the sake of children and teenagers.


The books are as follows:


1) Patriarchs and Prophets —> Beginning of the End

2) Prophets and Kings  —> Royalty and Ruin

3) Desire of Ages  —> Humble Hero    

4) Acts of the Apostles —> Unlikely Leaders

5) The Great Controversy —> Love under Fire


The following story books are also available online:


Angel over her Tent

Campfire Junior Stories from the days of SDA.

His Messenger

I’d like to ask Sister White

Over my Shoulder

Sister White

Stories of my grandmother

There shines a light