White as Wool

My Dear Child,


Wool is a natural fiber that is obtained from ovine animals, especially sheep. Wool is obtained from sheep through a process called shearing.  Sheep’s wool serves as a surface mantle that protects them from heat, cold, sun, wind or even rain, as it has a very thin surface layer of waxy material that acts as a natural liquid repellent. Wool has qualities that make it unique; it absorbs moisture by releasing heat and providing insulation against the cold. It is easy to clean and is very resistant.  Sheep’s wool varies in colour, it can be white, brown or black.  The Bible mentions white wool as an example of what God can do with us when we ask forgiveness for our faults, and doing our best never to repeat them again.


“Come on now… Though your sins are bright red, they will become as white as snow or wool.” Isaiah 1:18


With much love,

by Ligyi Venegas-Johnson