How beautiful it is to receive words of encouragement, words that lift our spirit! Those positive words that ignite the flame of life. It is this flame that makes us jump for joy, that motivates us to continue, that fuels our joy for the rest of the day, that flame that, when night comes, brings the well-deserved peaceful rest. Being happy has a lot to do with how much we give of ourselves, more than how much we receive. Just as we like to receive positive and encouraging words, we must learn to give them… constantly. Telling others how valuable their work is, is to remind them of how special they are, and how much we appreciate what they do. Finding a way to express our love and admiration for others brings happiness to our own lives and is a way of saying, thank you for your contribution to my life. How beautiful it is to give, because at the same time you receive!
“There is more joy in giving than in receiving”. Acts20:35