My Dear Child,
Sandals are one of the most comfortable shoes we commonly wear. They are made in many shapes and colours. Sandals were used by the ancient Egyptians, and were made of papyrus and palm leaves. The Greeks created different types of sandals and transformed them into art footwear, they were a symbol of wealth, the higher the straps of the sandals, the more wealth they possessed. In some countries the custom of removing sandals when entering a house is still preserved. The Bible mentions sandals on different occasions. Moses and Joshua were asked to take off their sandals in the presence of God. John the Baptist said that he was not worthy to untie the straps of Jesus’ sandals. Always remember that, just as sandals provide support and comfort to your feet, so does sharing the gospel with others.
“Your desire to tell the good news should be like sandals on your feet”. Ephesians 6:15
With much love,