My Dear Child,
Have you heard about what your birth was like? Maybe you’ve learned that you came without clothes, just as God created you. That’s how we saw you and we already loved you even before you were born. Did you know that the first thing you did… was to cry? With that alarming sound, you told us all, you are alive. The angels were by our side at all times, and in a special way, at your birth. You came to a place where you are loved, we always knew that you were a blessing. The people around us were glad at your arrival. You have brought joy into our lives. Our home may be simple, but where love and respect for God reigns, we are richly blessed. In a similar way, our Savior was born, grew, and lived, with family and among friends.
“And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.” Luke 2:52
With much love,