How Much More You'll Take Care of Me

Dear Lord,


Every flower that is born, every cloud that appears, every bird that flies, You created it. You filled this earth with such magnificent details to show us Your love. Every petal that colours the scenery, every drop of rain that moistens and nourishes the earth, every bird that sings, all of them speak to us of Your love. You created us, You love us, and You take care of us every day. You are the One who provides, the One who sustains, the One who lifts up. You have promised to always take care of me. Today, I want to rest in Your gracious hands, give me peace and tranquillity in knowing that I am under Your care. Thank you for loving me so much.


Look at the birds… for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are? Matthew 6:26

by Ligyi Venegas-Johnson