Dear friend,
Today I would like to talk to you about something, depending on how you use it or look at it, you may easily see it as your friend or your enemy. For every 24 hour cycle, we use on average about 400 minutes sleeping and about 1000 minutes being awake. As each day end leaves us with the question: What did I accomplish during those waking minutes?
The past is history, the future has not yet come, but today is the present… it is a gift that God gives you every day. Time equals Life.
Do you know that how we use our time to a greater degree determines who we are? Who we are also include our desires, dreams, hobbies, priorities and all other of life’s interests. Does time fly? Yes, it does. So, let´s join its journey.
I encourage you to make your time on earth an investment for eternity. “Teach us to understand the brevity of life, so that we may grow in wisdom.” Psalm 90:12